Patinir's Clouds

Patinir's Clouds

I found this image in a German art magazine and was captured by the movement in it. The narrative is about a saint on a journey. Sitting here in the studio, a year into the pandemic, I realise that the idea of travelling has become so alien to me. Ironic, considering that Christopher is the patron saint of travellers. I made a promise to myself to go and find this Patinir painting in the flesh when all this Covid is over. What’s happening in the painting is just as interesting. Patinir’s treatment of the …

The Cult of Art

The Cult of Art

I found this book 25 years ago on the floor of a train going from Dublin to Limerick. I love the cigarette burn and old ticket from London to Southampton used as a bookmark. The author was born in Paris in 1918 and was the youngest son of René Gimpel, the well-known art dealer from that time. He had an exciting life and having read his book, I get the feeling he would rather be in a car crash than share a meal with an artist. If he had …

Hands-On With Giacometti

Hands-On With Giacometti

There is so much magic in this short video of Giacometti working in his famously dirty studio.

Most of the iconic photos I have seen of him have a greyness about them. He is like a mystical hairy creature living in a world of grey dust, smoke and raindrops. I saw…

Monday Morning

Monday Morning

Got up early, met some cool trees and my favourite unicorn on a toilet door. Passed two floating boxes and some exploding buildings. Bumped into some geometric lines that were hanging out with cool greys and greens. Stumbled on a place that was delicate since the 1800s. Saw a human who has seen many things. Cracked open a …

Berlin In The Bushes

Berlin In The Bushes

“Your physical universe is your guru” is a line from a slightly naff Kung Fu movie I remember from back in the day. But I think it’s true. I am open to what’s on offer around me. Imprints on walls that have been improved and forgotten about or vertical shapes in industrial compositions. They are like low sensory vibrations pulling my eye. Some are in urban areas ...